Saturday, October 18, 2008

compared to your eyes, nothing shines quite as bright...

school work is temporarily stressing me out. i have tomorrow already dedicated to getting everything together and finished, but still, it sucks at the moment.

have i mentioned i want to take a legit vacation/road trip somewhere this coming summer. i'm saying it now because these things take a while to plan, and also because the thought in my head right now is vegas, and that'll take some dough.

fall break was good. felt awesome to be at home, and can't wait for next time. i got a new phone once again, this one is actually good so i plan on having it for a while. if you think i don't have your number, i probably don't so send it to me.
sorry i didn't really have much to say.

1 comment:

Paige said...

I really want to go to canada again soon.